Getting Ready for DVCon India 2014
It is penultimate day – the day before the big event!
Preparing and launching the first ever DVCon India event feels like taxiing a plane down the runway, ready to take off. It is new; the design was replicated from the US, but implemented in India. The uncertainties create anxiety among the event hosts and exhibitors.
Takeoff is tomorrow – September 25th
Hearts will be pounding. There is excitement in the air. Regardless of the countless hours of preparation by the organizing committee, some amount of chaos is inevitable on the streets of Bangaluru, yet things should work out just fine and we expect to have a fabulous event, one that will be repeated for many years in the future the.
For Agnisys, it is interesting and exciting to be involved at various levels
First, being part of the organizing team, it was interesting to see the entire behind the scene effort it takes to organize a conference. It is a massive amount of work to ensure the conference is successful.
Second, we are excited to exhibit several new product capabilities at the show as well. The most exciting is the launch of what we call ARV – Automatic Register Verification. It is a culmination of several years of work. With this launch the IDesignSpec (register generation) and IVerifySpec (verification management) have been integrated into a solution for automatic verification of address maps. The goal of this solution is to deliver a push button flow that the engineers will really love.
DVinsight now has support for Linux. It can help you not just catch errors but help you avoid creating errors in the first place using its smart editor for UVM-SystemVerilog projects.
Another new capability is an add-on to Google Docs – IDesignSpec gDocs will enable users to create hardware specifications in Google Docs and generate code from it – we are awaiting the approval of Google to release the tool publically but you can get a demonstration of it at the conference. We will send an announcement once it is formally released and approved by Google.
Third, I’m excited to address the ESL community about the latest updates on UVM-SystemC from Accellera. This presentation is scheduled for Thursday September 25th at 12:30 PM in the Grand Victoria room.
The next two days at DVCon India will be quite challenging and exciting because Agnisys will be both the organizer and the attendee. I will like to point out the important role played by Dennis Brophy, Yatin Trivedi, Lynn Bannister from Accellera in pushing for this event and making it possible with their support – both financial and logistic.
To add some fun to the event, we are playing the Agnisys Glory Games – a continuation from DAC. We believe this will be a regular feature in all the conferences that we attend this year. Delegates will be asked to tweet their selfie with tags #agnisys #dvcon. Winners will be based on the most creative selfie.